About Us

Umbra Collective is a group of South Australian Light Painters and Landscape Photographers offering some of our favourite captures for sale as fine art prints and canvases.
‘Umbra’ is the latin word for the ‘deepest darkest part of a shadow’ and seemed like a very appropriate name for a collective who bring light and energy to dark evenings! We hope you enjoy seeing our work as much as we enjoy creating and capturing it

Meet the Team

Tess Butler ~ “What can I say? I’m crazy about Photography! I’m always challenging myself to capture a scene differently, find a way to frame the joy and happiness I find on my adventures. I have loved creating photographs since being given a 35mm film camera as a child, I even studied photography in high school for 2 1/2 years. After a long break for kids and life etc, in 2018 I decided it was time to dedicate myself to learning, experimenting and improving my techniques for landscape and travel photography in the hope of becoming the photographer I had always dreamt of. In the process of this journey I discovered light painting and fell in love instantly! Umbra Collective has long been a dream, and I’m so proud of the Photographers who are joining me in this space”

Jon Mitchell ~ “My journey with Photography started nearly a decade ago, starting with film and moving over to digital not long after where it took off quickly, falling in love with the challenge to capture the beauty of all the places around my home in the hills. Kuitpo Forest in South Australia became my second home, where I’d spend so much time exploring and taking photo after photo. I soon fell even more in love with the ocean, travelling to many locations in SA and Victoria to capture the most beautiful sunsets and long exposures of the water. I also played around with light painting in the beginning, experimenting with random RGB tools I had created. More recently my interest was renewed when I met a few fellow photographers who love light painting and they took an interest in my work. I have since created and sold many of these tools and used them to create some of the works of art that you will find on Umbra Collective. With years of photos behind me ready to share and many ideas for captures and creations in the future, be sure to check back regularly to see new releases”

Jase Hickson ~ “I’ve always been at home in the sea, so trying to capture my love of the ocean and the outdoors in pictures was a natural progression. What started as a hobby over a decade ago travelling and working in Queensland has become a part of my daily routine as I try to recreate what I witness at each sunrise, sunset, and time willing everything in between. I have never been big on tech, expensive cameras and lenses – instead spending all my time immersing myself in what I see and letting Mother Nature do the rest. Like every photographer the journey is different but my style is to keep it simple and focus on one subject, if anything at all. I don’t like things too busy and try to concentrate on minimalism.My passion is pastels, palms, panning, puddles and obviously, the sea – I’m right at home in the ocean and love nothing more than swimming with all its creatures. Whether I have a coffee in my hand or a camera, the outdoors and seaside will always be home”

Troy Cannell is a proud South Australian photographer, who specializes in doing things a little bit differently. Currently studying a Diploma in Photography and Photo Imaging at the Center for Creative Photography, he enjoys pushing the boundaries on what could be considered “traditional”. He refuses to stick to one genre, enjoying creating across a wide array of subjects, from weddings and portrait photography through to light painting and abstracts.

Bekki is an innovative Adelaide Light Painter and creative (when she’s not busy collecting shoes or pop vinyl figurines) Bright colours contrasting against the dark are her trademark, she was the first to create a suite of custom colour profiles on her RGB tubelight (hand built by our own Jon P Mitchell). Bekki also uses an array of other light painting tools such as the Light Painting Brushes “collapsible sword” and the buyfiberflies “pixel whip” torch. Her photography journey has only just begun and we can’t wait to see her style progress and share it with you!